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Castelli Pioggia 4 Shoecover
5 rating
by noquendo ( Staff)
portland, or
Fantastic !!!

These have been great in the cold and wet weather. They hold up great over time and keep me out there on the road! I will buy another set when they eventually wear out. Fantastic!!!

Reviewed 2/8/2025
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Castelli Mens Distanza 20 Sock
5 rating
by bikegliding
Cycling Enthusiast
Colorado Springs, CO
2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.
warm and exceptionally durable

I've tried about a 1/2 dozen pairs of socks from Castelli and this one is hands down the best for durability. I bought 3 pairs, but only used two for a season. Recently I started using the third pair and I can't tell which socks were used for a season and which ones are brand new.

They fit extremely tight for compression I'm a USM 11.5 and couldn't wear anything smaller than the 2XL.

Feet warmth is very personal, some run hot and some cold, so you have to find your own sweet spot for temps. Having said that, my feet run hot so unless it's below 55-60 there is no way I would use these. If it's below 40 I switch to the Castelli Men's Quindici Soft Merino Sock which is also excellent for the long haul. These are perfect for 40-55 degrees for me.

Reviewed 1/15/2025
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Castelli Womens Velocissima 3 Bibshort
5 rating
by Anonymous
Northen VA
Very comfortable for long rides

Use on mountain bike rides. The straps are very comfortable over the shoulders. Pad is great and I've been comfortable on 4-5 hour rides. Leg bands are good and stay put without being too tight. No interference with knee pads. Best feature is being able to pull down the back for bathroom breaks - no more having to take jersey and jackets off which is huge in the winter. Washed 15 times so far and no sign of wear or problems with stitching. Seems to air dry quicker than my Louis Garneu kit. 5'8'. 135# and wearing size L.

Reviewed 1/6/2025
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Castelli Diluvio UL Shoecover
3 rating
by KC
Good quality - okay performance

These are well made shoe covers, no complaint there, but I'm not convinced it's good for the rain.

First off, high 40's and these become too warm and even if your feet were dry from rain, they become wet from sweat.

They do appear to keep shoes dry in the rain, but they seem to absorb water, becoming heavier the wetter they get.

I'll probably only pull these out on sub 45 degree days with minimal rain, otherwise I'm going to find more of a 'rain shell' type cover.

Reviewed 1/3/2025
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