I heard about Squirt on a podcast so I decided to try it. You really need to degrease your chain to remove all lube. Once done, you apply Squirt to each pin of your chain. Let it penetrate overnight. Then, lube it again and wipe down. It's not so much lube but a thick wax that penetrates the pins. Because it's wax, it collects no dirt. And, your chain runs as smooth and quiet as can be- for at least 3 rides before you have to reapply. The only downside of it (and it's not a biggie, you just have to plan for it) is that it takes overnight to really absorb into the chain. But once it's in, your chain runs very smoothly.
I grew up with shrader style tire valves so when I got my Trek FX3 5 years ago, Presta valves took an adjustment period. I bought a $30 Serfa pump from the local store. For a long time, I thought it was my fault that my fingers were getting smacked when the pump head handle would snap back. And I didn't understand why it was so difficult to get the pump head to seat properly on the valve. After learning that I needed to replace bent valve cores, I decided it was time for a better pump.
I shopped around and picked this one. It's a major improvement. It's so much easier to screw on the chuck head, pump it to exactly the desired PSI and unscrew the chuck. Inflating tires is much easier and pain free.