I grew up with shrader style tire valves so when I got my Trek FX3 5 years ago, Presta valves took an adjustment period. I bought a $30 Serfa pump from the local store. For a long time, I thought it was my fault that my fingers were getting smacked when the pump head handle would snap back. And I didn't understand why it was so difficult to get the pump head to seat properly on the valve. After learning that I needed to replace bent valve cores, I decided it was time for a better pump.
I shopped around and picked this one. It's a major improvement. It's so much easier to screw on the chuck head, pump it to exactly the desired PSI and unscrew the chuck. Inflating tires is much easier and pain free.
I've been a fan of this stand for over a decade and recently purchased a second one after trying a similar, but lesser stand by another brand and returning it for this one. It's more adjustable than other options, which makes storing bikes of different styles and sizes so much less of a nuisance. Setup is super simple, it's not difficult to change it's position/location and it doesn't stick out visually, which is also a plus. I think the only thing I don't like about it is that I sometimes wish that both bikes could hang from the upper shaft so that the lower bike could be a bit higher off the floor.