When you call, they are always there. No listening to boring music, just a pleasant well informed employee who knows what they are talking about. Also, spending the time to explain about different components and such.
The only place I go for all my bike gear!!
I've ridden with & w/o SportLegs, noticeable difference
esp. after 2hrs+ worth of riding
its not a endurolyte replacement (cramps)
however you will benefit from SportLegs on longer rides
and seems to aid with recovery as well
I honestly feel that one of the hidden benefits of this product is that my legs seem fresher the day after . I've also noticed less of the sensation that you get when you are really pushing yourself hard. Less fear and loathing in your legs. I recommend you try this product at least once over the course of several rides. I'd be happy to hear your thoughts. I give Sport legs a thumbs up.
Very few sports supplements are actually effective...Sportlegs is one of the exceptions. An retired pro racer recommended Sportlegs to me and I was very skeptical, until I started using this. I'm a hard core cyclists and I spend enough time on the bike, that I can notice subtle changes in performance. I've been using this supplement for over a year now, and there is no question, Sportlegs makes a very noticeable improvement in my ability to push bigger gears and maintain a higher pace over the course of a ride, before my legs are fried. I hesitate to says this...but the difference for my body, is almost night and day. I can't say that you will see the same effect as I have, but give this a try and see for yourself. I'm a believer in using Sportlegs supplement.
If you're one of those cyclists who typically suffers from burning muscles on hard rides, you really want to give these a try. Take a few of these before you start your ride, then one to two an hour, and your muscles will probably feel much better at the end. These really don't help with fatigue so you're not going to be any stronger. But the muscle burn will likely be significantly diminished allowing you to push that much harder, which means in the long run you will be stronger.
Have used these for years, bit they are getting hard to find. I take one or two (weight-based) before a ride, one hourly on long rides.
Best price I can find for a great supplement.
I am prone to cramping on med-long rides and have tried many different products. Without question, Sportlegs has worked the best for me. I will not start a ride over 30 miles without them!
I've tried a lot of products over the years that are supposed to enhance performance and do not involve transfusions or injections. I draw the line there. So currently I am using AMP Human or Beet Elite or this product when I am going on a very long or hard ride. This product is the best for ease of use. You don't have to slop it on your legs or guess how much to use like AMP Human. Beet root products like Beet Elite aren't always the most enjoyable beverage on nervous mornings and always seem to resist dissolving. I think Sports Legs has a definite positive effect
during and after a ride. I've used this product enough to say a good way to test it is on alternate days or more extreme efforts to see if Sport Legs works for you.
Seems to work. Think this is my 5th time buying
I feel they help me on longer group rides to stay up front.
Great stuff I ordered all the time
i do everything i can to prevent being sore, i use this before a hard ride and a recovery drink after and both really cut down on the pain,
I like the smart legs much better than using the Tums I had used to keep my legs from cramping on and after rides. I find that they help in a big way. I can sleep at night without restless legs.
When Fausto Coppi was asked what you need to do to be a champion he said : "You must do three things. Ride your bike. Ride your bike. Ride your bike." Sport Legs won't turn you into a champion but if your hurt even a little less before, during or after a training session you are more likely to ride your bike no? I wish my daighter had named my grandson "Fausto".
I was really surprised by how well these work, and the underlying rationale on the science behind it was discussed in an article in Velo News in the Spring (myths about lactic acid-lactate). I was initially thinking the effectiveness was largely a placebo effect, but after several rides (most hilly) I was impressed both by a sense of having more power-endurance and, more dramatically, far less soreness post ride.
Take 3 pre-ride as per label and try to take one per hour (when hands can safely get free!).
Overall I would at least recommend giving them a try and see what you think. A thumbs-up from me.
Delivered as promised. I am able to sustain high outputs with this product especially on the first 30 mins of the rides. My rides are flat with 15-20 mph headwinds or 1000-1500 ft climbs. 15-50 miles pending on routes.
I've used sports legs for years with the same results. They work! The best way to describe is after a hard pull at the front of a paceline or a full out sprint the legs seem to recover quicker. I always use them before a tough ride.
I have always liked Sport Legs, will continue to use this product
....during and after riding.