Protone(not icon). Both wheels slipped out today going around downhill decent at about 15-20mph. Complete wipeout and knocked out short period of time. Helmet toast. No brain damage. Get it!!!!
I used to ride with specialized sworks helmet very light, but not so resistant and this is almost the same, light but feels very strong.
Great helmet fits well and looks good
An absolutely great helmet. Fit was perfect. This is my 3rd Kask helmet. Other two are Utopia and Utopia Y.
I love the red color. Bought it for summer riding especially for the longer days with more climbing involved.
Liked it enough I bought another to gift to my best friend
Lightweight, comfortable, fits great, very true to Kask sizing guidelines.
The helmet fits and feels good. It�s not too hot for summer rides and is just fine for fall rides. On windy days it seems to provide some aero relief. This is my second Kash helmet.
I waited forever for these to be available, and I�m glad I did. It fits perfectly and is a great shape without any pressure points like I�ve had in the past with many other brands. It�s super light, seems to be well ventilated (I got it after the temps dropped in the fall), and the styling is just different enough to set it apart from the pack. Strongly recommend it as a great helmet.
Cool, comfortable and looks great.
My first purchase of a Protone was in the winter of 2021 when I knew my other Kask�s three-year life expectancy was to expire that summer. I appreciated the easily adjustable, comfortable fit, breathability in hot weather and lightweight of both. This helmet�s three years expire this coming July so I grabbed this Protone on sale this fall. Great helmet to protect the noggin!
fits great - air flow is good -
My wife loves and fits Kask Protone very well. She has a rounder head shape than myself. It�s THE helmet she grabs to wear all the time for all rides except TTs and Tris. For my oval head, I would need to size up and then it looks like a mushroom cap on my head.
This is the most comfortable helmet I have owned. Super light weight and feels safe. I would give this helmet 10 stars if I could.
My quest to find the perfect helmet ended once I found the Kask Protone Icon. This helmet checked all my boxes. Comfortable, Hold Glasses when not wearing them, light, and plenty of airflow to keep my head cool while training and racing.
Most comfortable helmet I can imagine existing. Great ventilation.
It fits great and is so light I don't even know I have it on!
Fits my head better than a POC Octyle, smaller and more compact design is legendary- look around in your club ride.. why are so many mates wearing this helmet?.. newly designed rear dial works better .. chin strap quality
Very comfortable, only one issue, the rear up and down adjustment moves too easily, not a deal breaker but a little annoying. Recommend it for serious road riding.
I love this helmet. I used to wear POC but this Kask Protone Icon Helmet is on another level of comfort. So much air passing through the helmet keeping my head cool on the long ride. Highly recommended.
Love the leather strap and perfect fit
Fits great, ventilates, doesn't weigh much, looks good. I wear a 7 3/8 hat and this is a perfect fit.