Years of having what I would consider helmets has now been eclipsed by what is the very best helmet I have worn. Comfortable, adjustable and extremely light weight while still providing utmost protection. A perfect helmet!
After many years of using a Catlike helmet, my wife returned to using Giro and the Giro Helios Spherical MIPS helmet didn't disappoint her as she really likes her new helmet. It is nice and lite. It fits really well. The adjustability is a simple dial in the back, making it easy when it is on her head.
Got the white one, does the job. Hopefully I won't actually get to test out the power of the spherical technology and the MIPS system but it's comfortable, easy to adjust, feels like I'm wearing nothing that's how light it is and I'm comfortable knowing I have a premium protection system on my head.
My new Giro Helios design and fit is excellent. Been wearing Giro Helmets for over 30 years. I wouldn't recommend another brand.
The best money can buy! Complete satisfaction! Comfortable and sits low on your head!
Helmet adjustment is easy and works well. Nice and light too.
Like Giro helmets, like that you are able to adjust the fit to what you are wearing underneath with the dial. This helmet has better air flow than the previous Giro helmet.
Great for everyday riding.
My previous helmet was a Giro Aether - so comfortable and light. This is a touch heavier and covers more skull. I'm still getting used to it and wonder how long this break-in period will last.