I love how this helmet fits and it is light. I ride about 8000 miles a year I decided to upgrade to the spherical technology helmet after watching a friend crash and land on his head. He had this new technology helmet and I think it saved his life.
The helmet is well designed both aesthetically and functionality. I like the styling, decent weight, very good retention system and well ventilated. Seems sturdy but hopefully won�t put that to the test. Additionally I have more narrow, versus round, head and helmet fits me better than any other I have owned.
Most reviews comment on fit, looks and airflow. All of those things are great with this helmet. We wear a helmet to protect our head. This helmet did its job. Recently I was out on a group ride starting a decent, going approximately 25 mph when this pit bull came running out of no where and literally torpedo me in my front wheel. I hit the pavement hard. My jersey fabric was embedded in a two foot section of the pavement where I slid across the pavement. Trip to ER, 4 nights in the hospital, nine cracked rips and a dislocated AC shoulder joint. My Giro Helmet has scrapes on both sides where it hit the pavement and slid. I had no head injuries!!! This helmet did it's job when I needed it. The helmet is the most important piece of cycling gear everyone must have. Other helmets may have protected me just as well, but this is the one I had on when I crashed. I am a fan and my helmet earned every single star. 5++
Fits my head well and is cool during the warmer weather. Unfortunately I found out it also protects your head way it is advertised. Will buy again.
I have been using Giro helmets for many years. I love them in general. This one is the best I've ever owned. Outstanding fit, appearance and comfort. I'm going to buy another in a different color just to match my other bike! Slightly pricey though.
Bought this helmet and wasn't sure about the design. After my first ride wearing it, It quickly became my favorite helmet, like the the fit ,light weight and comfortable. Did not feel bulky like my POC helmets.
I only had this helmet for three months. I was hit head-on by a distracted cyclist on a short bridge accessed by a blind sharp curve. Oncoming cyclists had three warning signs about the turn. Nevertheless, the idiot must have not seen the warnings in time and plowed into me. He fell, got up and fled the scene. I broke two wrist bones and got a concussion. I think I hit hard because I didn't have road rash and cracked the helmet. So, I think I would have suffered greater head injury without the helmet. I like the idea of the ball and socket MIPS design instead of a bunch of sticky dots, but I'd like to see more testing about its effectiveness.
Ok this is another great helmet from Giro, but what can I say that will help you. I'm moving from an old Synthe. I ware a size Med. The Spherical fits just a bit bigger for the same size and just a bit rounder. Having an oval head that leaves just a tiny space on the sides. It is a very close fit between the two. If you like the Synthe you will like the Spherical. Weight, the Synthe on my scale 280g the Spherical 274g. Adjustability is excellent as with all high end Giro's. Cooling, on par with the Synthe (tested in 100F/38C deg). Looks are subjective, I got the Red, White and Black and think the Spherical is the best looking high end Giro. Safety, hope to never know. Ride on.
My Synthe was 4 years old so figured it was due for replacement. I assume the Spherical technology of the Helios provides a greater level of protection than the Synthe (MIPS only). Overall the Helios has a better finish than the Synthe and operation of the RocLoc is definitely smoother and easier. The Helios uses pad strips in the top which I don't think provide quite the ventilation of the plastic "basket" the Synthe uses. My one complaint about both helmets is that the chin strap buckle adjustment tends to creep loose and require tightening every few days.
I really liked the protection and ventilation of my Giro Aether but I was never fond of the fit. I was on the largest size and it always felt a tiny bit too small, a different shape than my previous Giro helmets (Foray & Synthe) and it was constantly resting on my sunglasses. The new Helios is a bit lighter in the large size then my Aether and only just a little heavier than my non MIPS Synthe which is reasonable given the enhanced protection. On the ventilation side I haven't noticed much difference between the two but it's not gotten hot enough here to really tell, my guess is the Aether might be slighter better. On the general fit it's way better for me, no more sunglasses issue, a lot more comfortable especially on the 4+ hour rides. It also has the vertical adjustment on the Roc Loc which was missing on the Aether. Probably the only negative is it does not have the little sunglasses rest in the helmet but it still works fine you just need to be a bit more careful about placing them in enough.
I'm a fast recreational rider, 2-2.5K miles a year, typically ride in the A group. Was running an aero helmet, because I'm all about aero (even my water bottles are aero!) But on hot says I suffered way too much and it impacted my performance. This combined with having gone down a couple times last year meant I needed a cooler helmet and one that provided the best protection I could get. Can't train with a brain injury!
The Giro has proved to have much better with ventilation for those KOM efforts. And I feel better going all out when I know that I have the latest in protection.
Comfortable and light weight, the Roc Loc works well, and the helmet doesn't block any view, nor does the strap cause any discomfort, even after several hours.
Great product and super customer service
I really like this helmet it is very comfortable not bulky at all it has plenty of ventilation the adjustment knob is so easy to use. I don't have any complaints about the strap buckle is kind of small not a big deal. I love the light blue color.
Great helmet at a fair price.
Easy to fit head, good cooling , was pretty light weight.
Does the job. Light and cool.
Nice looking helmet...Plenty of air flow along with being light weight.. I got the black and yellow to match my bike...I can't really say it's worth the extra expense but it fits nice and is comfortable...
This helmet is light, comfortable, easily adjustable and has excellent ventilation.
I had been using a fairly high end helmet for several years and was pleased and surprised with how comfortable this Giro Helios Spherical MIPS Helmet feels. I hope I do not test the protection it provides, but it is clearly constructed differently from other helmets and that construction design does make sense to provide protection.