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Brooks B17 Imperial Saddle

BrooksB17 Imperial Saddle(Return to Product Page)

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Review by Timothy

I love my new B17 Brooks saddle.
by Timothy
Cycling Enthusiast
Durango, Colorado and Vignanello, Italy
0 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

I put my new Brooks saddle on my Carbon hardtail Niner which I used to ride the Via Francigena last year, 2022, from Canterbury England to Rome. Next year, 2024 my fiancee and I will start the European Divide Trail. The Brooks will get me to the tip of Portugal. I love the history of the Brooks company and it gets better every ride!

Reviewed 9/19/2023
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Review by Rixtoy

Best seat ever for me . . .
by Rixtoy
Cycling Enthusiast
5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

Like you, I researched extensively reviews of the Brooks B17 Imperial Saddle before purchasing. I recognize no saddle is a fit for everyone, but the overall great ratings convinced me to give it a chance.

I also researched the myriad of break-in recommendations, from the sublime to the ridiculous. In my own case I used a technique recommended whereby I took the new seat, turned it over and applied with an old toothbrush the Proofide that came with it everywhere I could reach on the underside of the saddle.

Then I put the saddle in our oven at the lowest temperature (170 degrees) for 20 minutes. Then I removed (with hot pads) the saddle and re-applied more Proofide wherever I could reach. Then, back into the oven for 20 minutes. I repeated this for around 6 cycles of this process, then let the saddle cool to room temperature.

I installed the saddle and rode about 15 miles. then I extended the mileage. After only a few rides I found the seat to be quite comfortable. My fourth ride I went 50 miles and not once did I think it was uncomfortable.

I recently got my dream bike and , of course, had the Brooks put on the new bike. The technician told me I must not care about speed because the brooks weighs so much. I told him I am always interested in speed, but do not race and comfort is a higher priority than weight of the saddle.

I have several hundred miles on the new bike and have not once thought about my ass on any rides.

Love this thing!

Reviewed 3/21/2019
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Review by LexKY Biker

A perfect match to my recent refirbished steel roadbike
by LexKY Biker
Cycling Enthusiast
Lexington, KY
1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

I have a Brooks saddle on another bike that is over 50 years old. It is the most comfortable saddle I have ever experienced. The cut-away center on this Brooks delivers quicker comfort than the solid saddle I purchased 7 years earlier. (there is a break in for the comfort). This one is designed and constructed with the same robustness as the 50 year old model.

Reviewed 2/6/2024
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Review by DartmouthDavid

Cycling nirvana
by DartmouthDavid
Cycling Enthusiast

I cycle for transport and not exercise, but do so 12 mos a year in Chicago as long as the pavement isn't wet or icy. I've spent less money on inferior saddles, but this is worth it: those saddles with channels down the middle are not comfortable and have caused nether-region numbness. I look forward to many years of use of this gem.

Reviewed 10/26/2023
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Review by Red Bud Rider

by Red Bud Rider
Wichita, KS
1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

I bought this because of ongoing soft tissue pain on long multi-day rides. Break in took a while but it is the most comfortable saddle I have ever owned. It feels good in the morning and better each time I get back on the bike during the day.

Reviewed 12/27/2019
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Review by cbcb

Lovin' It So Far
by cbcb

It was initially more comfortable than 3 other saddles I tried. I can't wait to 'break it in'. With only 200 + miles on it; it looks like it'll be a winner.

Reviewed 10/20/2022
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Review by colorado biker

Great saddle for a touring bike.
by colorado biker
Cycling Enthusiast
Montrose , CO
5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

I will use this saddle on my touring bike ,like all Brooks saddles it does need breaking in. After about 200mi it will conform to my shape. I find it best to take 20mi daily rides until it is my shape, then longer rides will be fine. This saddle came with a wrench and a sample of leather dressing. If you take the time to break it in it will comfortable for several years.

Reviewed 9/14/2018
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Review by Dartmouth David

Riding nirvana
by Dartmouth David

I've paid for lesser saddles but do not like those with a center channel which have given me nether region numbness. This is superior.

Reviewed 10/26/2023
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Review by Anonymous

I have wasted years on the wrong saddle until now. Do not make my same mistake!
by Anonymous
Cycling Enthusiast

I now have 200 miles on my new saddle which was recommended by some users to break it in. However, I have never been uncomfortable on this saddle. It has made all the difference in the world for me! I tell everyone they need this saddle.

Reviewed 5/16/2022
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Review by Anonymous

Butt Heaven...
by Anonymous
Daily Commuter
Portland, ME
1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

Just may be the best money I have ever spent on anything. Totally has transformed my bike and my riding experience. I always thought that a Brooks was a hoity-toity thing, but boy was I wrong and my butt and the rest of my body agrees with this vociferously.

Reviewed 4/29/2022
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Review by Safe in the Saddle

Fantastic saddle that will last a lifetime
by Safe in the Saddle
Los Angeles
7 of 7 customers found this review helpful.

I have put off purchasing a Brooks saddle since I was 20 years old - 40 years ago. During these years of separation, I have ridden every make and model of saddle on the market that now pile high in a cardboard box in my closet. Piled just as high are the butt calluses I accumulated riding over 8,000 every year commuting to work, racing, and bike touring across the United States. It has taken a long time to return to my roots in the 70's when I rode Masi, Ital Vega, Raleigh, and other great Brooks holders of the era. But I'm back, here to stay, like finding a high school sweetheart at your 40-year reunion.

Reviewed 5/12/2017
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Review by Red Bud Rider

Softer with each ride
by Red Bud Rider
Wichita, Kansas

On long rides this saddle gets more comfortable each time I get back on the bike. Just need to treat the saddle with proof hide every 3 to 6 months to keep the leather like new. I used to suffer from soft tissue pain on multi day rides before I bought this saddle. Other saddles just didn't give me any relief until I tried a Brooks saddle. Just wish I had gone with a Brooks saddle sooner!

Reviewed 11/26/2021
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Review by UtahC2C

Coast to coast comfort
by UtahC2C
Daily Commuter
Salt Lake City, UT
3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

I took my partially broken in B17 and my WTB saddles on my coast to coast trip last year. The idea was that if I got a little sore I could switch saddles for a day or two for some relief. By the time I crossed the Cascades I stowed my WTB and dropped it with a friend in Boise. It took 37 riding days to cross the US. Of those 37 days only 8 days were without rain of varying degrees(don't cross the US in the Northern climes in the spring time). I treated the saddle about 4 times, top and bottom, during the crossing. I thought it held up extremely well considering the water torture it endured. I'm still riding it approximately 20 milesday commuting to and from work. The Brits know quality especially in bike saddles. If I had one critique it would be how long it took me to break it in. But it was well worth it. Without a doubt I will exit this life with Brooks on my bike.

Reviewed 10/3/2016
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Review by Anonymous

Longer break in than I thought
by Anonymous
Casual Cyclist
Philadelphia, PA

Beautiful saddle; nice quality. Rode it for 100 miles after 2 initial Proofide applications and thought it would break in. But even after that it's still pretty rigid. I'm going to stick with it because the seat has great potential. The cutout was a game changer for numbness. I give the cutout 5 stars and the overall seat 4 stars.

Reviewed 8/12/2021
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Review by Anonymous

Simply, the best saddle out there . . .
by Anonymous
Cycling Enthusiast

I have never looked back after purchasing my first Brooks B-17: Comfortable for me after first few rides I never think about a sore bottom or rubbing or fatigue on any rides, even up to 85 miles. It may not work for everyone (you have to give it a chance), but i have now bought three and have had the same experience with all three

Reviewed 4/10/2021
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Review by Dax

Monkey see monkey do...
by Dax
9 of 10 customers found this review helpful.

Monkey see monkey do... Go show up to a rando ride and count the number of Brooks chosen by cyclist who regularly ride 200K to 1200K events. The first time you sit on your Brooks Saddle you will think eh... its pretty good (I road mine fresh out of the box on a 300K event with no problems)

The first time you ride your bike after your saddle is broken in (For me this was at mile 819) you will think Holy smokes! This is wonderful... now I understand why all those old dudes use these saddles!

The bottom line is that once your saddle becomes shaped to YOUR BUTT you will never have a saddle problem again. Just like breaking in a good pair of boots....

Reviewed 5/7/2015
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Review by Fernando

Love it
by Fernando

The colour is perfect matching greatly with the handle tape on my Fuji Feather. Very comfortable too

Reviewed 12/23/2022
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Review by John Almond

No wonder the B-17 is legendary
by John Almond
Columbus, Mississippi

Once broken in, my Brooks B-17 saddle became like an old pair of my favorite blue jeans or comfortable shoes.

Plus, it's drop dead handsome on my bike. I highly recommend.

Reviewed 9/25/2020
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Review by Wags

Love it!
by Wags
1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

I read a lot of reviews on Brooks Saddles and they were mixed. My experience has been great so far. I have about 600 miles on my saddle and it was comfortable from the first ride. My longest ride was 80 miles and I didn't have any of issues I had with my other saddles. I can't wait until it's broken in.

Reviewed 8/10/2020
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Review by Ham

Brooks Saddles Don't Dissapoint
by Ham
Cycling Enthusiast
Western Colorado

Brooks saddles aren't for everyone, obviously. But they do provide me with the most comfort of any saddle I've tried. They are all I ride. This particular saddle went onto a 1987 Fuji and enhances the comfort of the steel ride in a more aggressive riding position.

Reviewed 6/20/2020
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